Malibu is a beach city in western Los Angeles County, California, situated about 30 miles (48 km) west of Downtown Los Angeles. It is known for its Mediterranean climate and its 21-mile (34 km) strip of the Malibu coast, incorporated in 1991 into the City of Malibu. The area is known for being the home of Hollywood movie stars, people in the entertainment industry, and other affluent residents. Most Malibu residents live within a few hundred yards of Pacific Coast Highway (State Route 1), which traverses the city, with some residents living up to a mile away from the beach up narrow canyons.


(34.36%) 4,425
(88.6%) 11,409
(3.8%) 489
(1.7%) 219
(0.1%) 13
(5.8%) 747
Image Address Type Risk Type City St County Map Built Price Square Feet Price/ ft NOI Cap Rate Occupancy Avg NNN Land Size # Tenants Avg Term Avg HH Income Major Tenants
Image Address City St County Map Brochure Landlord Building Size (sf) Unit Size (sf) Office SF Built Ceiling Height Docks Grade Column Sprinklers NNN Rate Est Opex Gross Rate Monthly Gross Rate Cubic Feet Per Cubic Ft
Image Address City St County Map Brochure Landlord Building Size (sf) Unit Size (sf) Office SF Built Ceiling Height Docks Grade Column Sprinklers NNN Rate Est Opex Gross Rate Monthly Gross Rate Cubic Feet Per Cubic Ft